Hello, my name is

Le Colloec

I'm a front-end developer

About me

Here are some of my projects:

film festival preview image
Film festival
Visit page
Hozier tribute page preview
Tribute page
Visit page
Technical documentation page preview
Technical documentation project
Visit page
Product manding page preview image
Product landing page
Visit page
Preview image of a survey page
Interests survey form
Visit page
Quotes generator preview image
Quotes generator
Visit page
Javascript game preview image
Holmgang: the battle of the vikings
Visit page

About me

I am a front-end developer and started my journey with web development in 2019. It is a complex subject and a very important thing is to know where to start learning. I started by doing excercises with Freecodecamp , where I started doing excercises in the responsive web development curriculum . It helped me to grasp the basic understanding of the web languages, especially HTML and CSS.

As I started to prepare my candidacy for the studies, I went on a week-long introductory placement. The purpose was to help me acquire a general view of the field and allow professional immersion in a working environment .
Following the placement, I signed up for a front-end development course that would help me understand even further about the technologies and languages involved, conception and development of web applications.

In 2020 I started a front-end development course with Open Classrooms. Each topic was supported by a theoretical course and excersises and would be acompannied by a project that was eventually presented online to an examiner, an experienced developer.
The curriculum included using Wordpress,preparation of specification document, maquettes, UML diagramms,Javascript algoritms, APIs, DevTools, using and writing unit and fonctional tests and taking over and improving existing project. I also used package manager Node.JS and a module bundler Webpack for some of my projects.

I obtained Open Classroom diploma in june 2021. Since then I continued to learn and practice new technologies that were not included in the curriculum including Bootstrap and Sass. Click here to see some of my projects for Freecode camp.

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